Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Anyone who really knows me is aware that I do not like the cold.  And, for those of you I have not met formally, "Hi, my name is Cherene and I do not like the cold!"  I recently spent some time thinking about resolutions for the new year.  I decided that I need to be more positive...to look for the silver lining in that gray cloud...to make lemonade out of lemons...well, you get the idea.  And, as soon as I declared my intentions for 2014, it snowed.
And then, the record setting cold snap hit.  In keeping with my new resolution, I began to think about winter and snow to try and "make the lemonade".  I picked up my camera and took some shots out my doors and windows.
Nothing can change my perspective and provoke thought like my camera!  And, do  you know what I discovered?  Winter is kind of magical!  The view out my doors and windows looked as though the weather angels had sprinkled crystals as far as the eye could see.  The contrast of the bare trees against the pale sky and snowy ground was remarkable. 
After all, winter is a time to really experience warm fluffy blankets, comfort food, hot cocoa and holiday lights and dark starry nights.  And, winter makes you look forward to spring.  After a long season of snow and ice, don't we all experience a certain sense of anticipation and wonder when we see the first crocus or shoot of green grass?  We delight as the days grow longer and warmer.  Without the cold, frosty- breath days and nights of winter, we would not appreciate the coming change as much.  So, even though winter might not be my favorite time, I must admit that there are a lot of things to count as blessings.  So, come on winter, I say.  I will keep my focus on those silver linings.  Just don't overstay your welcome! :-D 

Remember to cherish this journey we call life...your footprints are a gift from above!