Monday, December 1, 2008

Fall...has fallen

Fall fell...well, actually it went "thunk!!" I mean there was absolutely no transition. One day the leaves were turning pretty colors. The temperature was getting a little chilly...around 50 degrees. Some folks call it "sweater weather". Then, wham!!!the next day it was 35 degrees and it has gone downhill from there. I am just not ready for winter, but I don't get a vote. Anyway, I did manage to get a few pictures of the fall splendor as a backdrop for one of my favorite subjects, Larissa.




The fall splendor didn't last long, so I hope winter goes quickly. At any rate, I will be burrowed in my living room, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket in front of the fireplace. Hmmm...winter is starting to sound good...well, maybe a little.

Treasure your footprints. They are a gift from above.


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